India is a major rice exporter, becoming the world's largest in 2014/15. India's rice exports have increased significantly since 2010, rising by 20 million tons. India is a key supplier of rice to several important markets in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. India's recent export bans on rice have raised concerns about food security in the BIMSTEC region, which includes Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Thailand. These bans were lifted in September 2024 but have also disrupted global markets and increased rice prices.
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Unified Portal for Agricultural Statistics (UPAg) is an advanced agricultural data management platform designed to generate crop estimates and integrate with other systems generating Agriculture Statistics such as Price, Trade, Procurement, Stock etc. It serves as a centralized hub for near real time information on crop production, market trends, pricing, and other vital agricultural data. UPAg aims to empower stakeholders in the agriculture sector, including policymakers, researchers, and farmers, by providing them with comprehensive insights to support informed decision-making. The Food Security Portal team would like to extend our sincere appreciation to the Unified Portal for Agricultural Statistics (UPAg) for its invaluable contribution in providing India price data.