
International Food Price Monitor- Asia and the Pacific


The International Food Prices Dashboard offers comprehensive information on the pricing dynamics of various food items traded globally, including agricultural commodities such as wheat, maize, and soybeans. Users can access both the actual US dollar prices per unit and indexed values, with calculations based on January 2012 = 100. Additionally, the section features composite food price indices, facilitating the monitoring of monthly fluctuations in international food prices. The tool enables users to track trends, assess volatility, and observe spot market prices in real-time.

The Food Price Determinants tailored specifically for the Asia and the Pacific region section provides you with information on the factors influencing food prices in this region. This includes considerations such as the cost of oil and energy, currency values, and fertilizer production costs. Users can utilize the tool to stay updated on the latest developments in fertilizer markets, including summaries of market trends and tools for monitoring fertilizer trade, utilization, and production. Furthermore, the section offers data on the Nominal Rate of Protection (NRP), indicating the impact of agricultural policies on market prices for specific commodities.