Tools for the Asia and the Pacific region

This page brings together several analytical tools for the Asia and the Pacific region. Currently available are the Food Security and Nutrition Indicators tool, Food Price Monitors (International and Domestic), Food Price Shocks tool, and the Fertilizer Market Dashboard. Tools that monitor Food and Fertilizer Export Restrictions, Production and Stocks, and Acute Food Insecurity Warnings for Asia and the Pacific will also be added to the page. 

Asia and the Pacific Food Security and Nutrition Indicators

The Asia and the Pacific Food Security and Nutrition Indicators Dashboard is a dynamic and interactive platform tailored to offer a thorough examination of nutrition and food security metrics, encompassing both chronic and acute indicators, spanning various nations and regions within Asia and the Pacific. Displaying data based on the member countries of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and their defined sub-regions, this user-friendly tool empowers users to scrutinize trends, compare multiple indicators, and visualize intricate data sets using customizable charts and maps.

Food Price Shocks Tool - Asia and the Pacific Region

The Food Security Portal's Price Shocks Tool provides an interactive way to explore the impact of price changes on poverty in the region. When you set hypothetical price shock(s) using the tool, net impacts of selected price changes are generated per household and the impact on poverty is automatically calculated accordingly.

International Food Price Monitor- Asia and the Pacific

The International Food Prices Dashboard offers comprehensive information on the pricing dynamics of various food items traded globally, including agricultural commodities such as wheat, maize, and soybeans. Users can access both the actual US dollar prices per unit and indexed values, with calculations based on January 2012 = 100. Additionally, the section features composite food price indices, facilitating the monitoring of monthly fluctuations in international food prices. The tool enables users to track trends, assess volatility, and observe spot market prices in real-time.

Domestic Food Price Monitor- Asia and the Pacific

The Domestic Food Price Monitor dashboard is a tool designed to help the users monitor changes in domestic food prices within the Asia and the Pacific region. This tool provides valuable insights into how food prices are fluctuating in various countries across the Asia and the Pacific region. It offers data on food inflation rates, which indicate the percentage increase in the prices of food items over a specified period in countries like China, India, Indonesia, and others.

Production and Stocks Monitoring System - Asia and the Pacific

The stock-to-use ratio measures the level of stocks of a commodity relative to its total use, and it is an important indicator of the vulnerability of world food markets to shocks. When stock-to-use ratios are high, more supply is available in inventory, which enables countries to smooth consumption and even out prices in the case of a shock. Low stock-to use ratios increase the severity of price spikes and volatility.

Fertilizer Market Dashboard for the Asia and the Pacific Region

The Fertilizer Market Dashboard provides you several ways to monitor the latest developments in fertilizer markets in the region. This includes a summary of global market developments and tools to track fertilizer trade, utilization, and production the Asia and the Pacific Region.

Food and Fertilizer Export Restrictions Tracker

The ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict continues to expose global food security to high uncertainty, exacerbating already soaring food prices stemming from COVID-19-induced supply disruptions and drought-reduced yields. As seen in past global food price crises, some countries have begun restricting food trade with the objective of controlling domestic food inflation. These restrictions can have dire unintended consequences for vulnerable people in food-importing countries, increasing prices and exacerbating food insecurity.

Acute Food Insecurity Early Warning Alerts

The Early Warning Hub brings together in one place the alerts and other information from across several Early Warning Systems for the region. This includes the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) and Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET), which are key sources for monitoring and responding to food insecurity and potential famine conditions.

Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC)